Life in Vericeras - Chapter 1 - Squid_f*cker1 (2024)

Chapter Text

The year is 2010 DR. Tonight, Serenity was going to a party with two of her friends. The tiefling’s peach and blush colored skin was complimented by a cream colored dress, reminiscent of the fashions of prized thralls from past eras with a plunging neckline. Her blueish eyes were adorned with mascara and pink eyeshadow and her lips wore peach colored lipstick. She wore white and blue floral hair clips. “How do I look? Is it uh… Too much? Too Little?” She asked her two friends who were getting ready to leave her dormitory with her. Her wood elf friend, Ashera and her human friend Zarah Havenwatch were going with her. Ashera is from her illithid studies class. Zarah is in her comprehensive literature class.

“Ooh. Looks like you memorized my notes about vintage thrall fashion!” Ashera grinned. She was wearing a white dress with a high slit that went all the way up to her waist, held together with little more than crisscrossing straps that hugged her thighs to cover her genitals.

“It’s so elegant! You look like a goddess!” Zarah complimented her. The blond human woman was wearing a preppy pink dress and white leather boots.

The three of them were going to a squinger’s party. The word was a portmanteau of the words ‘swingers’ and ‘squid’. The term refers to an illithid that participates in sexual activity at a swinger's party or a humanoid that goes to a party where sexually active illithids will be present. They were all well aware of what kind of party this was, but this was going to be Serenity’s first ever experience with illithids.

Their university dorms were actually rather close to the Domed District. The three of them were students at Vern Savant University or VSU for short, the most elite university in the country of Vericeras. While tuition was completely free, it required excellent grades to be considered for attendance. A prospective student needed a GPA of 3.8 or higher to attend. They took Zarah’s car to the party, a lipstick red 2010 Aelin S4 bought as a present for her 19th birthday. Serenity stared out the window as they drove through.

The Domed District was a very distinct place from the rest of her home city of Vern. The lights were far dimmer than the rest of the city 24/7. Up above one could see the stars as they really were, in a world without light pollution. A magical transmutation spell upon the dome of the surface illithid community blocked out significant amounts of light during the day, making it more comfortable on everyone’s eyes. At night the dome turned invisible and made the stars above easily viewable to all who gazed upon them, despite the light pollution of the city outside of the dome.

They passed by a sign which read “South Aphrayaozu Art Museum”. “We should check out that museum sometime! “Ashera said. “The host of the party we’re going to is actually the art director of the museum.” She decided to share that little coincidence.

“Oh wow. Small city…” Serenity trailed off, getting distracted by the scenery.

“Are you nervous?” Zarah checked on her friend.

“A little but that’s just how I am with anything new.” She grinned, her cheeks turning pink. “I’ll be fine once I get settled in… I think…” The tiefling was trying her best to hype herself up.

She hadn’t been with anyone since she broke up with her high school boyfriend that she dated through senior year. That was four years ago and now she was 22. She hadn’t tried dating anyone since and now she was thinking about having sex with random illithids… “You’ll be fine, Seren!” Ashera assured her, calling by her nickname.

“Esribess is really nice and very selective about his guests.” Zarah added. They pulled up to a decently large house. Illithid homes had rather unique geometric architecture. It was to make the often bleak landscaping look artistic.

The home was a reimagining of the classic A-frame, with a loft tucked into the tip of the A. The year-round rustic-modern home featured two bathrooms, three bedrooms, wood floors, high ceilings, a spiral staircase, a forest-green kitchen, and a finished basem*nt. There was a strange and pungent aroma outside. It smelled an awful lot like cannabis, a drug illegal to sell in Vericeras but very recently decriminalized for possession in amounts of less than one ounce. When they entered, a calm trip-hop album by a pair of music artists called Rogue Corporation was playing. This would be a BDSM friendly party, so she would have to keep an open mind to that. The living room seemed like a normal party.

The host of the party, Esribess, greeted them at the door. The illithid’s amethyst colored pupils were bright like gems set in black sclera. His purple skin was healthy, complimenting his sleek and pristine black robes. He was a member of the Possessor Creed. “Ashera! Zarah! Good to see you again! And you must be Serenity.” The illithid happily greeted them. “Greetings. I am Esribess. A pleasure to meet you.” He addressed her.

“Likewise. Thank you for inviting me.” She politely said. Despite nothing lewd going on here, she couldn’t help but blush. She’d never been to a party before. She’d been so busy with her studies and was usually an introvert.

There appeared to be an even mix of humanoids and illithids. Although it wasn’t a rowdy party, it certainly helped that Esribess’ neighbors were also on board and attending the party, so he didn’t have to worry about violating some noise ordinance. “Since you’re new here, I’ll go over the ground rules with you. No means no. If anyone violates that rule, they’ll be made to leave. Respect other people’s property. No stealing or breaking anything. All of the rooms are marked for different purposes and should only be used for that purpose.” Esribess quickly reviewed with her.

Serenity nodded her head, understanding his instructions. She was impressed with how well organized it was! She could hear loud moans coming from the basem*nt when a human man came up to get a few water bottles and bring them down to guests downstairs. “That’s the dungeon. I’ll be heading down there.” Ashera smirked. “Did Zull show up today?” The wood elf asked the host.

“Why yes. I think he’s down there with his thrall right now actually.” Esribess replied.

“Ooh, let me go say hi!” The elf left her friends behind to go down to the basem*nt.

“Have fun!” Zarah called as she left.

A copper dragonborn woman offered the new guests some co*cktail shrimp upon a platter and Serenity took a shrimp co*cktail to be polite. “This is my housekeeper Kimror. Kimror, this is a fresh face in our gatherings, Serenity!” Esribess introduced them to each other.

“Welcome to the party! Esri loves meeting new people!” Kimror greeted her. “Who knows? You might get lucky with him if you want to.” The dragonborn playfully nudged her master. Serenity’s entire peachy face turned red at that. Zarah laughed at her comment.

“Oh, Kimror, you’re such a riot!” The human said.

“Well you are quite a work of art. Your appearance is lovely.” Esribess flirted with Serenity.

“Thank you…” Serenity said through blushing cheeks. She wasn’t always good at getting words out of her mouth, but she knew well from her illithid studies class that Esribess could know that she found him handsome as well…

“I’ll be in the backyard if you need me.” Zarah said, winking at her.

“A-ah… Okay.” Serenity said, letting her first leave her with the other party guests.

“Would you like to sit and chat with me?” Esribess offered her a seat next to him on a large moss green sofa. She joined him, sitting next to him as she decided to start eating the shrimp co*cktail given to her by the housekeeper. “So what motivated you to come to my squinger’s party?” He asked her. One thing she loved about talking to illithids was that her anxious mind didn’t have to worry about her words coming out right. She decided to mentally respond to him.

“I think I mostly just wanted to try something new. Me and Ashera are in the same illithid studies class at VSU and she invited me.” She explained.

“What a coincidence! My minor in college was humanoid studies!” Esribess said.

“Oh wow! So how did you meet my friends?” Serenity began to open up to him more.

“I visit the VSU campus studios to scout out art to display in our revolving collection of contemporary art. I met your friend Ashera at the Edwardson Hall lounge.” He answered.

“Speaking of coincidences, your dress is the spitting image of those worn by Aphrayaozu’s personal thralls.” He said.

“Wait, really?” Serenity was surprised. She guessed her friend’s research into vintage styles really were spot on!

“Allow me to show you.” He pulled out his brand new Dragon Uphone 3, one of the latest innovations in smartphone technology. He pulled up a picture he took of a statue of a tiefling in a very similar dress. “The statue depicts a personal thrall of Aphrayaozu, the first Possessor Creed-Master under the Western Heartlands.”

While it was socially acceptable to talk about Oryndoll in a historical context, due to the tense relationship between the colonies and the fact that it was illegal to show open and political support for modern day Oryndoll, many illithids like Esribess refused to say the city’s name. She gently took his phone from him to look at the statue closely. “It’s so pretty!” Serenity remarked. She actually didn’t know much about art but she could still appreciate it.

“It is one of five statues.” He swiped through the pictures to show them to her. “We have a sizable portion of Aphrayaozu’s collection within our museum.” Esribess was proud to promote the museum he oversaw.

“We were actually talking about visiting on the way here.” Serenity recalls.

“Eleasis 29th would actually be a great day to visit! That’s when the museum is having its monthly happy hour. From 5 to 7:30 in the evening we host live music, food trucks and vendors. Admission is also free during happy hour!” Esribess also loved convincing new guests to visit the museum.

“I’ll have to let my friends know that.” Serenity sounded quite interested in going, smiling at the prospect of seeing the museum with them.

“We would look forward to your visit. So what’s one thing that you desire in a partner?” Esribess asked, further attempting to discover a path forward to getting her in his bed. There was something undeniably exciting about her. Serenity thought about it.

“Someone kind and emotionally mature. Someone understanding and loving.” She said. It sounded like she wanted something rather intimate…

“What are things that are absolutely off limits for you?” Esribess asked.

“I’m still figuring out what I like… I’d really like my first time to be gentle. I know for sure I don’t like being degraded.” Serenity picked the tail off of the last shrimp and put it in her mouth. She set her finished shrimp co*cktail upon the table and Kimror cleared it away almost as quickly.

“My parties offer plenty of options for many people. I’m far from monogamous, but I enjoy tenderness to a great degree as well. If you’d like to experiment with your desires with me, I can bring us to a more private place. My room is off limits to the other guests.” He offered. She felt her cheeks growing hot. His voice sounded noble but his words were like honey. Her mind was turning into a flustered mess.

“I think I’d like that.” Serenity mentally responded. They leave the party chatter behind, climbing up the spiral staircase. In one room the guests were playing twister in the nude. In the guest bedroom, the door was closed but that didn’t stop the sound of pleasured moans from escaping.

Serenity found it all very erotic and yet very fascinating, even if she was a bit too shy to join in on all that yet. They came across a door with a metal sign reading “OFF LIMITS” in both Common and Qualith. He took out the key from inside his robe pocket and unlocked the door. He allowed her to follow him into his room. “Do you have any questions before we begin?” He asked her.

“From what I know about my illithid studies class, illithids don’t have genitals, barring any cases of physical partialism… How will you be able to get anything out of it?” Serenity wondered.

“I would link to your senses to perceive every feeling that you do. Every smell. Every sight. Every taste. I would have access to all of it. It can be a little invasive to some people so it’s not for everyone, but many people find it very pleasurable. To me, intimacy is a communion. Whether it be with one or many minds.” Esribess did his best to explain it.

“You would feel what I feel?” She asked for clarification.

“Yes. Many people feel more comfortable with a safe word in place. If you say or think it to me, we will stop to make sure you’re okay.” He explained. “How about… Peaches?”

“Yes, sir.” She answered. He loved it when his guests called him sir.

“May I touch you?” Esribess asked.

“Yes please.” She said softly with blushing cheeks. He placed his hand upon her cheek, feeling the warmth from it. His tentacles gently rubbed against her arms as if gently introducing themselves to her. Her anxiety and nervousness started to evaporate instantly.

“Touch is the first connection. I will know where it feels good to touch. Would you like that?” He offered. She opened her mind to him. An illithid’s powers worked on an opened mind.

“Yes…” She opened her mind to him and began taking off her clothing.

Esribess stripped off his robes as well, letting them fall to the floor. He lifts her up with levitation and she lets out a soft surprised gasp and then a giggle as he carries her in a weightless bridal style. He smelled alien yet familiar all at once. Like garlic bread and vanilla. It was warm and comforting. He pulled her on top of him, making her straddle him. He reached two of his tentacles up to tease her nipples, but what really got to her was his tentacle wrapping around the base of her tail. “Oh my… That feels nice…!” She sighs pleasurably.

One of the tentacles moved from her chest to wrap around her wrist as if he were guiding her. The last one squeezed between her thighs, teasingly rubbing against her moist sex. She couldn’t believe how excited she was getting! “Do your best to rub against it. I enjoy feeling you squeeze it!” He encouraged her, struggling to speak telepathically through his purrs. All she had to do was her best. He’d help her if she needed it… She felt comfortable, confident, and safe.

She began to squirm against his writhing tentacle, doing her best to stimulate herself. Serenity let go, trusting him with her sensations. She spent several minutes, taking her time, drinking it all in. “I can’t believe I’m having squex!” She thought, thinking of the slang word for having sexual relations with an illithid. Then she remembered he was listening! Her cheeks turned red.

“You are indeed” He telepathically told her. “Don’t be afraid to experiment with me. You may explore to your heart’s content.” Esribess emboldened her.

She grabbed at the tentacle around her wrist, giving it a gentle squeeze. It was so distinct from any other creature. “Hhrrnngh! Your curiosity is delightful!” He gurgled. “Tell me… Tell me what you observe about my tentacle.

“It’s soft… And a little squishy.” She smiled a bit as she squeezed. She felt it pulse in her hand ever so slightly and lust was pressed deeply into her mind. She wanted more.

“I-inside me! Put it inside me please!” Serenity whimpered.

“Oh? But you have three orifices to choose from.” Esribess teased. “Could you be more specific?”

“My… uhm… vagin*…” She finished that sentence by thinking it. She was very shy about saying dirty words out loud.

“There’s no need for modesty here…” He assured her as he pushed a tentacle inside of her slowly. She moaned far louder than she expected to! She covered her mouth after the fact. Her tail started to wag as it plunged in and out of her.

“O-oh! Es… Esri…! That’s so good!” Her voice strained and squeaked, trying to hold her moans in.

“Don’t hold back!” He gurgled. “Share your unrestrained pleasure with me!” He urged her.

“Ahhn…! Oh fuuuuuck!” She felt compelled by him. She didn't have to worry about anything other than feeling good.

It was as if the world around her became comfortably numb and keeeping her warm in it all was Esribess. The hold his tentacles had on her was firm yet soft and loving. His supple and moist flesh against hers felt like a sunkissed oasis. She felt his artistry upon her mind. The art of love, acceptance, unity, understanding and joy. She trembled like a frail leaf on a fall day as it all built up within her mind and body. Sooner or later, the leaf would have to fall…

She climaxed hard with a forceful and undignified cry and collapsed upon him. Esribess laid her down beside him. “You were marvelous. Did you enjoy that?” He gurgled. He sounded quite pleased.

“I did… Thank you for sharing that with me.” Serenity placed her hand upon his. He cuddled with her, loving holding her close.

“Would you like my phone number?” He offered. She was surprised since usually guys ask for women’s numbers, right?

“Uh… Sure!” Serenity accepted. Esribess wrote down the 11 digit number, using a pen and sticky note pad he kept on his night stand.

“No pressure at all. You can text my number any time you like, but I work long hours so I might not answer if you call.” He explained.

“I’ll keep that in mind. I enjoyed this experience very much.” Serenity humbly said.

“Here, try these Nullscent wipes to clean yourself up. My neighbor invented them because letting all of my guests use my showers was getting really expensive.” He was happy to show off his friend’s invention, handing her the package.

She sniffed her wrist and it did indeed smell like him, but when she wiped it with the nullscent wipe, the smell was gone! “It’s safe for even the most sensitive skin.” Esribess assured her. She grabbed a few more and wiped herself down completely. He had cold water ready in a mini fridge in his room. He often ended up bringing at least one person in here during the night. He offered a bottle to her. She took it and twisted the cap off and let the cool fluid go down her throat.

They sat together at the edge of the bed drinking their water in silence. Yet it wasn’t an awkward silence as he reached for her hand to squeeze it gently. She was blushing from his touch again, unsure of what to say other than she had a really great time.

“Will you be having more parties in the future?” She wanted an excuse to see him again.

“Of course. I’ll also be at the museum happy hour.” Esribess said. She was oblivious to his attempt to get her to see him again but she accepted his offer anyway.

“I’ll definitely be sure to tell my friends!” She assured him with a smile. Esribess didn’t mind her friends tagging along at all. He’s had sexual relations with Ashera as well. Serenity pulled on her clothing. “I’m going to go look for my friends now. Thanks again!” She smiled brightly.

“Have a good one if I don’t see you leave! Drive home safe!” He bid her a friendly farewell.

Once her friends had their hedonistic fill of fun as well, the three of them left the party together to go back to their dorm room.They all left quite happy. Even though the street lights in the Domed District outside of the residential area were dim and purple, her eyes could still see well enough to take out her Cloudberry Pearl 3G phone and start punching in his number to save it. “Sooo, how did it go with Esribess?” Ashera asked her.

“Oh uhm… Ahaha… It was good… He gave me his number.” She covered her face with her hands after putting her phone back in her pink heart shaped purse.

“Oooh, I think he likes you, Seren!” Zarah teased.

“He was just being nice!” Serenity giggled.

“Are you going to text him?” Ashera asked her.

“Well uh…. Maybe.” She grinned. “Oh, hey! The museum apparently has a free admission happy hour on the 29th of Eleasis! We should go then.” She quickly changed the subject.

“That sounds like fun!” Ashera agreed.

“It would be good to take a couple hours off from studying and school work.” Zarah said. They left the Domed District coming back out to streets with brighter lights.

“Yeah… It would be…” Serenity quietly agreed. Zarah turned on the radio to help her introverted friend decompress.

“You are listening to V102, the most underground variety show in Vericeras!” The radio host said over the air waves. A rock love song began to play over the radio. Serenity quietly looked out the window, watching city lights pass her by. She had a small smile on her face.

I got my mind set on you

I got my mind set on you

I got my mind set on you

I got my mind set on you

But it's gonna take money

A whole lotta spendin' money

It's gonna take plenty of money

To do it right, child.

Life in Vericeras - Chapter 1 - Squid_f*cker1 (2024)


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.